What is EDDM?
EDDM or Every Door Direct Mail is a service offered by the US Post Office to allow small businesses an easy way to efficiently promote their businesses by mail delivery route and zip code without the need for a specific address or permits. Postage is ONLY 17.5¢ per piece – you don't even need to know names or street addresses. Simply identify the neighborhoods you want to target and your printed piece is delivered to every active address in your target area.
How do I pick areas to mail?
Use the link below, enter an address, and the tool will highlight areas you can mail, and the cost associated with that particular route. EDDM ROUTE SEARCH TOOL
Do I need to address or stamp the cards?
No!! When your cards are designed they will have all the USPS required information PRE-PRINTED. They will be ready to mail when you get them.
Do the cards need to be in bundles of 100?
YES! To be EDDM legal, they need to be bundled in packs of 100. This service can be provided for an additional fee. We can also bundle in 50 packs(also USPS legal) for an additional charge.
What size postcard is required?
The postcards need to meet EDDM requirements. We offer 10+ sizes, but most cost effective size is 6.5"x8".